Do you have any feedback on the services that a child or young person (that you are caring for) is accessing in Oxfordshire?
Please click on the link below to provide feedback if you are the parent/carer of a child or young person aged between 0 and 25 years with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) accessing services in Oxfordshire.
You are welcome to use these forms whenever you have some feedback. We will look at this regularly and feedback to the key people. All feedback will be given anonymously.
Click on the links below for recordings/reports from the webinars/Q&A's we have hosted recently.
Click on the highlighted links to download/watch the presentations:
CAMHS NDC Pathway: What to Expect​ Sept 2024
Delivered by Laura Agnew (Nursing and Allied Health Professional Clinical Lead), and Kimberley Ashwin (CEO Autism Oxford)​​​
Delivered by Dr James Stacey and Nurse Felicity Bradley from the Oxon CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Pathway Team
Replay coming soon
The Interaction of Autism with Puberty, Gender, and Sexuality
Next up:​
Friday, 14th February: 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Online via Teams)
OxPCF and CAMHS NDC Webinar Series: Neurodivergent Coping Strategies
Register for your space here​
Friday, 14th March: 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Online via Teams)
OxPCF and CAMHS NDC Webinar Series: Moving into Adulthood