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Sent on Behalf of Oxfordshire County Council

We wanted to take the time to talk with you about an additional staff change that is happening and was in place before the start of the Local Area SEND Inspection.

It’s so easy when one takes a call from Ofsted, that this becomes the priority rather than communicating these changes.

Kate Bradley, Head of SEND, had been talking with us for some time about her own options and the challenges of holding down such a massive role that can be all consuming, alongside balancing family life.

This email is to keep parent carers up to date with the decision that Kate will leave us at the end of this month, in order to spend time with her young family.

The timing of this decision is hugely challenging, but Kate will remain in post, seeing through the local area SEND Inspection.

An interim head of SEND has already been appointed and we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Jayne Mumford.

She rapidly joined us on Tuesday 4th July and will be at Kate’s side across the Local Area SEND Inspection. What a hand over !!

Jayne joins us as a very experienced and competent improvement lead and Head Service for SEND from LAs across the country.

Anne Coyle

Interim corporate Director of Children’s Services



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