The Better Together Report has now been published and can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
A statement has been produced by Oxfordshire County Council to explain the delay in this report being published.
Dear parents, carers, and colleagues, Thank you for coming along to the “Better Together” conference in March 2023 and for contributing to the very successful day that was that was hosted and facilitated by Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum (OxPCF), Carers Oxfordshire and Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OxFSN) We greatly appreciated all the shared comments, observations, and feedback, plus your engagement with each other and partners. It is important that together we make a difference for children and families. Feedback from that day has now been collated and produced into this report. It makes very interesting reading and links closely with many of the Local Area Partnerships aims and ambitions, moving forwards for our children and young people. The pledges included in the report are key to us all engaging better with our children and families, to improve outcomes. Progress with these pledges will be reported on through the Local Area/SEND Priority Action Plan workstreams. Oxfordshire County Council would like to apologise for the delay in completing our part of the report due to staff changes. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who contributed to the day and to OxPCF, Carers Oxfordshire and OxFSN for hosting and facilitating the event and for ensuring this report is now published. Our thanks to everyone involved with the Better Together work and conference. Best wishes Stephen Chandler and Anne Coyle
Our next Better Together event is 28th March at Kassam Stadium. You can register for your space in January.
