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Our Work

OxPCF Workstreams with the Local Area Partnership 2024-2025


The Oxfordshire Parent Carer Forum (OxPCF) collaborates closely with the Local Area Partnership across various workstreams to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


This graphic below highlights our workstreams, showing our engagement with key stakeholders across health, education, and social care, including Oxfordshire County Council, the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care System, Oxford Health, and Oxford University Hospitals. Our focus spans essential areas within the SEND Transformation Programme, Oxfordshire County Council services, and joint initiatives in health, education, and social care (HESC).


These workstreams address priority topics such as mental health, preparing for adulthood, inclusive education, neurodivergence support, and family support systems. Additionally, OxPCF undertakes specific forum work focused on finance, recruitment, community connections, events for parent carers, and engagement with the wider SEND community.


Parent representatives and forum members work tirelessly to ensure that the needs and voices of families in Oxfordshire are heard, advocating for improved services and outcomes. By collaborating with a range of professionals and parent representatives, OxPCF aims to create meaningful, sustainable changes that benefit our children and young people with SEND.


Current workstreams:


We are currently in the process of reviewing our work and will provide an update at the earliest opportunity


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