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CAMHS NDC Pathway: What to Expect from the CAMHS NDC Service Following a Referral


We’re excited to share the video and presentation from our recent webinar, “A Journey of What to Expect from the CAMHS NDC Service Following a Referral,” which took place on Friday, 13th September.


This session was part of a collaborative series between the Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum and the CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Conditions (NDC) Pathway, aimed at helping families understand the journey through the NDC service.


Hosted online via Microsoft Teams, this webinar was delivered by Laura Mackenzie (Nursing and Allied Health Professional Clinical Lead), Tracy Oliver-Browne (Clinical Team Manager, CAMHS NDC), and Kimberley Ashwin (Autism Consultant Nurse and CEO of Autism Oxford). They provided a comprehensive overview of the steps involved following a referral to the CAMHS NDC service.


Recording below and click here for the presentation.






















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